ROBE is a Czech company that continues to shine brighter in the world of lighting technology. With that growth comes the need to expand production capacity. Together, we turned the spotlight on potential employees from Valmez, Karviná, and beyond.
Reliable employees are a key part of success, and ROBE offers them a great opportunity for career growth. That’s why the central theme of the entire HR communication became the slogan:
“A bright future starts at ROBE.”
Through both campaigns, we successfully found over 250 Heroes who chose to be part of a good cause, committing to regularly support those facing life’s toughest challenges.
Na začátku kampaně jsme vytvořili sérii příspěvků, které propagovaly jednotlivé benefity i konkrétní pracovní pozice. S cílem maximalizovat dosah jsme využili sponzorované příspěvky i reklamní sestavy. Zazářili jsme a za X týdnu jsme získali téměř sedm tisíc návštěvníků webu, z toho minimálně 185 odeslaných formulářů.
We didn’t stay confined to the digital world. With the same enthusiasm, we brought the campaign into the real world, launching eye-catching billboards, print ads, and even radio spots.
The campaign continues. HR communication isn’t about one-time efforts—it’s about long-term employer branding. Despite our successes, we’re not resting on our laurels. Together with ROBE, we look forward to a future that’s sure to be bright.